Register under the W.B. Society Act XXVI of 1961
Registration No : S/1L/78980
Office: Coffee Bari , Singell Tea Estate, P.O Kurseong 734203 , Darjeeling.
Mob No : 7699268700 / 9851535716
About us
Organization For Advancing Better Societies is an NGO, situated at rural Tea Garden area of Coffee Bari, Singell Tea Estate, Kurseong, Darjeeling presently its office is at Kurseong town. The organization was established in year 2010 with aim to promote rural and deprive people of Darjeeling in various field of education , health , skill development , environment and technical transfer or enhancement of knowledge to small vegetable grower or farmers .
Our organization is register under West Bengal society act XXVI of 1996, with registration no SO178980, NITI AAYOG (National institution for Transforming India) with unique Id : WB/2018/ 199566, register under 12 A/ 80 G and register under minister of corporate affairs office of the registrar of companies and have received CSR register number CSR00063280.
We are doing many activates like skilling youths , empowering women, supporting old age home , cultural activities , awarding talented youths , career counseling , medical camps etc.
OASIS vision is to uplift downtrodden community people from level of poverty and to enrich their quality of life.
OASIS mission is to promote community people with different technical, vocational and educational skills so that they can secure their livelihood and can come out of poverty barrier and to ensure good health among them. Further to enlighten them with different issues regarding their rights and social justice.
- To run various skill development programme for the poor community people in order to uplift their life style.
- To organize career guidance programme for the student as well as unemployed youth.
- To acquire, establish, start, aid, run maintain or manage primary schools, libraries, charitable hospital for the benefit of the society members.
- To arrange and organise lectures, debates, discussion, seminar and excursions for the diffusion of the knowledge.
- To help rural people for agricultural promotion.
- To publish or cause to be published useful literature paper, magazines books etc. with prior permission of the competent authority but without business motives.
- To work among the helpless person affected by the use of narcotic drugs and alcohols and also amongst other helpless and poor orphans, widows and sick people and to preach gospel amongst them.
- To conduct awareness programmers of diseases HIV/AIDS and Sexually transmitted diseases.
- To help the aged, sick, helpless, orphan and indigent people and rehabilitate them in the home orphanage or day care centers.
- To promote and encourage advancement of literacy, computer, cultural, vocational and technical institution.
Organization History
OASIS was initiated in the year 2010 with few members in the village of Coffee Bari, Singell Tea Estate, Kurseong, Darjeeling. Shri Gagan Lama (social worker), residence of same village was a pioneer to give birth and nature the organization. He analyze most people of tea garden area and busty having low source of income , information, health problems ,unemployment, education, technical knowledge and are deprive with their own rights . Further, till the time non NGOs and government organization had taken good initiative to uplift the community where he dwell. Thus in order to uplift his community as well as other deprived one’s he took the mission to promote and initiated the process by consulting with like minded people to form an organization.
Slowly and steadily organization was born and initiated its various programme in field of education, health, skill development and informing people regarding their rights. Organization was coined with name OASIS (Organization For Advancing Better Societies). The name OASIS itself signifies the place where some hope of water and green grasses could be found at dry desert area ,in same way our organization OASIS making an effort be new hope and dreams where people have stop expecting and hoping for new rays to come in their life .
OASIS is marching towards its destination with its radiant spirit, mean while it need love and support of good people and well wishing organization to cross many miles.
Activities Initiated by OASIS

Human Rights awareness campaign initiated by OASIS

Free Eye check up camp organize by OASIS

Women’s Day Observation | Workshop regarding Tea Board of India’s Scholarship For the student of Tea Garden Area

Career guidance programme for youths

Community awareness programme through children

Helping rural people to open bank account

Training attended by Shri Gagan Lama, Secretary at NIPCCD, New Delhi

Training attended by OASIS members at Santiniketan Organized by NABARD

Training attended at V. V. Giri National Labour Institute , Nodia

Meeting attainted at Sub Divisional Magistrate office ,Kurseong, Darjeeling along with various department officer such as DCPO, SDO, BDO, Labour welfare officer, NGO,etc.